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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Westin Hotel


Monday, February 25, 2008

Westin Hotel

Westin Hotel in downtown Jersey City


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Westin Hotel Tower

North of the tower is the reception and amenities low rise section of the hotel.


Saturday, December 8, 2007

Westin Hotel Tower

The low rise building along Washington Blvd will hold a restaurant and the hotel amenities.


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Westin Hotel


Friday, July 13, 2007

Westin Hotel Tower


Friday, June 29, 2007

Westin Hotel Tower

The Westin Hotel Tower did not have any glass installed when we took the photos, but probably will soon. The foundations for the smaller building that will attach to the tower on the north side have been laid.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Westin Hotel Tower

Jersey City's Westin Hotel is starting to get its skin:


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Westin Hotel Tower

The Jersey City Westin was topped off a few weeks back and facade work continues with concrete slabs on the western wall.

The Westin hotel, a new High Rise Tower in downtown Jersey City

From the parking lot of the Metro Plaza. In the foreground right is the site of the Monaco Towers, a project that broke ground this week.

Along Sixth Street looking west:

Sixth and Washington


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Westin Hotel Tower

Looking south down Washington Street:

The Westin Hotel is located at Sixth and Washington in downtown Jersey City

Westin Hotel, Jersey City

The Westin Hotel at Sixth Street and Washington Blvd. in downtown Jersey City

From the parking lot of Metro Plaza looking north east toward the tower:

The Westin Tower from the parking lot of Metro Plaza in Jersey City


Friday, May 11, 2007

Westin Hotel Tower, Topped Off, Facade Work

The light rail line has been closed and will be closed between Newport and Harsimus Cove for several weekends while the Westin Hotel facade is installed on the western side of the wall. In the below series, its evident why the rail line is closed as the concrete slabs are hoisted over the tracks:

Looking north along Washington Ave at the corner of Sixth Street:

The Westin Hotel tower in Newport in Jersey City was recently topped off

Looking up from Sixth Street

Looking west across Washington Blvd towards the Newport Mall. The empty lot south of Sixth Street will eventually have a high rise residential tower.


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New York's Sixth is a blog for the forgotten, de facto borough across the river featuring original content, commentary, and information relevant to living in Downtown Jersey City / Hoboken.

New York's Sixth is part of the network of affiliated sites. is privately owned and operated by Ian MacAllen.

All original content copyright 2005, 2006 to Ian MacAllen, unless otherwise attributed.
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