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Friday, July 13, 2007

Newport Shore North Tower

This will likely be the last update of Newport's Shore Club since Newport's rent-a-cops sent us away claiming the street was private property and photography was prohibited. The nuances of private, public, and semi-public property are no doubt lost on minimum wage GED holders in uniforms, and arguing really isn't worth our aggravation considering the multitude of other interesting projects freely accessible in downtown Jersey City. Their sudden interest in our photography might be evident in the below photograph of the north tower-- bottom right is the base of the 31 story Aqua going in due East of the Shore Club:

Three floors left:


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Newport Shore

The north tower from the parking lot of the Jersey City Target.

The Shore North in Newport in Jersey City

The plaza in front of the Shore South tower is also progressing quickly.

The Plaza in front of the Shore Club will include fountains and a winter skating rink


Friday, May 18, 2007

Shore Club

The future river market will be housed in the low rise section connecting the two towers:

Workers constructing the plaza area:


Friday, April 27, 2007

Shore Club

Shore Club in Jersey City is part of the Newport Redevelopment zone; its the second condominium project built by the LeFrak company


Friday, April 6, 2007

Shore Club

The North Tower of the Shore Club is quickly gaining its outer glass shell.

The Shore Club, in Newport, Jersey City is a double tower condominium building rising on the Hudson Waterfront


Thursday, March 29, 2007

Shore Club

Newport's Shore Club complex is quickly moving towards completion with South tower residents moving in and glass rapidly racing up the sides of the North Tower.

The Shore Club is a brand new luxury apartment building going up in Newport in Jersey City

Shore Club in Newport, Jersey City, is the latest Newport Condominium project

Eventually a plaza will be completed in front of the Shore Club.

The River Market will involve shops in the low rise base of the Shore Club, and eventually will include a skating rink

Glass is being installed on the North Tower. This photo was outdated hours after it was taken; glass has been installed on several higher floors already.

The Shore Club North Tower is getting glass installed

Looking east from Washington Blvd.

The Parking deck of Shore Club will include parking for new, yet to be built towers including Aqua.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Shore Club

The north tower is beginning to get glass installed around the lower floors. Below, the Shore club tower as seen from 14th Street. Soon two more towers will be rising between Washington Blvd and the Shore Club's north tower.

Shore Club at Newport in Jersey City

A close up of the North tower's windows:

The mid-rise section connecting the Shore Club towers will contain retail shops at street level:

The North Tower from River Drive:

Eventually the area in front of the Shore Club will be landscaped:

From the Hudson River Walk, the east facade of the Shore Club with the Aqua pilings poking up from the ground directly in front of the new condo building.

The nearly completed south tower from Newport Parkway:


Friday, March 9, 2007

Shore Club at Newport

The glass of the Shore Club South Tower, Newport, Jersey City

Above, the sea-green glass windows of the Shore Club's south tower. Below, The Shore Club towers may not be the tallest buildings at Newport, but they are the shiniest.

Newport, Jersey City, Shore Club towers under construction

The mid-rise section connecting the Shore Club's North and South tower will have a "River Market," a fancy way of saying retail shops, including a gourmet grocery.

The South Tower from the Hudson River.

Shore Club South Tower from the Hudson River

The entrance to the Shore Club South Tower along Newport Parkway:


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Shore Club

Discuss the Shore Club and other projects in the Jersey City construction forum.

The south Tower of the Shore Club from the Hudson River Walkway:

Detail of the midrise section connecting the north and south tower of the Shore Club; windows have started to be installed:

The Two Towers; on the far right there is a fence and pile driver-- construction equipment presumably for Aqua.

The rear of the Shore Club including the new parking garage:

The south east corner of the south tower:

The entrance to the Shore Club's South Tower:

A wider view of the River Drive facade, eventually the River Market will be at street level here:


Recent Photos



New York's Sixth is a blog for the forgotten, de facto borough across the river featuring original content, commentary, and information relevant to living in Downtown Jersey City / Hoboken.

New York's Sixth is part of the network of affiliated sites. is privately owned and operated by Ian MacAllen.

All original content copyright 2005, 2006 to Ian MacAllen, unless otherwise attributed.
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