700 Grove
700 Grove is the soon to be completed project on the Hoboken - Jersey City border, just north of the NJ Transit tracks leading to the Hoboken terminus.
Grove Street looking south:

The corner of Newark Ave / Street and Grove Street, across the street from Hoboken's drive through liquor store. No, we don't have a picture of the drive through liquor store.

The facade along Grove:

Below, the building from Jersey City looking north along Grove into Hoboken. Excellent views of the rail line will no doubt prove a huge selling point for transportation buffs, not so much for everyone else.

Grove Street looking south:

The corner of Newark Ave / Street and Grove Street, across the street from Hoboken's drive through liquor store. No, we don't have a picture of the drive through liquor store.

The facade along Grove:

Below, the building from Jersey City looking north along Grove into Hoboken. Excellent views of the rail line will no doubt prove a huge selling point for transportation buffs, not so much for everyone else.

Labels: 700 Grove