Newark Avenue Fire
Early Thursday morning, a 4 alarm fire raged in an empty building at 143 Newark Avenue. Hours later, 139 and and 145 Newark Avenue were heavily damaged and 143 Newark Avenue was declared unsafe by the fire department.

145 Newark Avenue may still come down; its structural integrity will be assessed before a final determination is made:

A mural along Columbus Drive featuring scenes of Jersey City was painted in 1997. The walls are the rear side of Newark Avenue buildings. 143 Newark Avenue had the statue of Liberty painted on its walls; now there is a hole.

145 Newark Avenue may still come down; its structural integrity will be assessed before a final determination is made:

A mural along Columbus Drive featuring scenes of Jersey City was painted in 1997. The walls are the rear side of Newark Avenue buildings. 143 Newark Avenue had the statue of Liberty painted on its walls; now there is a hole.

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