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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Westin Hotel Tower

The Jersey City Westin Hotel tower is rising on the corner of Washington Blvd. and Sixth Street, just east of the Newport Mall.

From Washington Blvd looking north, the Westin Hotel has grown tremendously for the past several months. Newport office towers stand in the background:

The Westin Hotel tower is currently under construction in the Newport section of Jersey City, near the Newport Mall and office center

The north facing facade of the hotel; the lobby and retail will attach to the tower on this side facing Washington Blvd.

The rounded corner of the Westin Hotel:

From Washington Blvd, looking towards the west down Sixth Street:

From Sixth Street, the light rail line runs beside the Westin Tower.

The Sixth Street Facade of the new Tower:

From the corner of Sixth Street and Washington Blvd, the Westin Hotel has gotten so tall that soon it will no longer fit in the camera frame:



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New York's Sixth is a blog for the forgotten, de facto borough across the river featuring original content, commentary, and information relevant to living in Downtown Jersey City / Hoboken.

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