A Tower
The tower sits on the edge of the Powerhouse Arts District, a neighborhood originally envisioned as a community of Artists. The red brick and square lines were meant to imitate the lines of the former warehouse district. Behind the tower sits a small park, constructed by the developer as required by the city.
250 Units
33 Stories
238 Parking spaces
10,500 Sqft Retail
Completed 2008
369 Washington Blvd
View Construction Photos

Labels: Condominium, High Rise, PAD
140 Bay Street
11,500 Square Feet Retail
59 Units

Labels: Condominium, Low Rise, PAD
150 Bay Street
Built 1914
93 Units
150 Bay Street

Manischewitz Factory
Completed 1932
Scheduled to be renovated by Toll Brothers.

Late twentieth century addition, scheduled for demolishing 2008

Provost street, directly east of the 1932 warehouse, is one just a few cobblestone streets left in Jersey City:

Washington Commons
77 Units
12 Stories
311 Washington Street
Washington Commons

Labels: Condominium, PAD, Washington Street
Dash Interiors
"a high end contemporary furniture store."
140 Bay Street
Space A2
Dash Interiors

Morgan Lofts
10 Stories
Built 1918
Renovated 1993

Labels: Condominium, Mid-Rise, PAD
Morgan Lighthouse
9 Stories
Completed 2004
143 Morgan Street

Whomever Sophia is, she is immortalized on the corner of a building.

Labels: Condominium, Mid-Rise, PAD
283 Units
26 Stories
Completed 2000
One Second Street

Labels: Condominium, Financial District, High Rise, PAD, Washington Street
82 Units
12 Stories
159 Second Street

Labels: Condominium, Mid-Rise, PAD

Labels: Financial District, Historic Site, Landmark, PAD