Grove Street Area Rental Towers Filling Up
By admin on Thursday, January 10th, 2008 at 6:36 am
Two new rental towers opened late last year around the Grove Street PATH station. 50 Columbus, a Costas Kondylis designed tower east of Marin and Grove Pointe, a condo / rental mixed tower between Grove and Marin. 50 Columbus is now 75% leased, claims this press release, meaning 300 of the 400 luxury apartments are accounted for. Over at Grove Pointe, rental agents are telling prospective leasers the rental tower will be filled before March.
The success of 50 Columbus likely means construction on additional towers on the western side of the lot will begin sooner, rather than later. 70 and 90 Columbus are a pair of 48 story towers to be built on the corner of Marin and Columbus, adding another 1,000 units to the complex.
The area around the Grove Street is ground zero for a new wave of planned construction. Across the street from 50 Columbus, two 23 story residential towers have been approved as part of the Metropolis Towers expansion. For now it seems these two towers are temporarily on hold in part due to the current credit crisis. Just north of 50 Columbus, the Toll Brothers are pushing to build three new high-rise towers, though these face community opposition and their fate is still uncertain.