Verizon: The Comcast Alternative?

By on Friday, December 15th, 2006 at 9:16 am

Verizon has been quietly laying fiber optic cables throughout New Jersey for the last few years or so. The intent, in the long run, is to offer higher speed internet and cable alternative television. You can read more at The New York Times. That being said there are two things that need to happen for Verizon to start offering television services:

First, Verizon needs to know there is interest in the service. Fiber is being laid in the dense suburbs first, for cost reasons. But if demand is high enough, they’ll also look to Jersey City. By filling out their request form for Fiber Optic Service here, you can help let them know you want a cable alternative.

The second thing that needs to happen is for Verizon to gain municipal approval. In New Jersey, every town controls access to their own residents’ cable services. So the best place to start is the downtown’s favorite councilman. Tell him you want an alternative to Comcast, so if and when Verizon approaches municipal government, the council will understand residents want more than a cable monopoly.



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