Patriotic Duty
By admin on Tuesday, June 7th, 2005 at 4:50 am
Today is New Jersey’s primary for governor worth noting because candidates from both sides have ties to the area. Democrat Jon Corzine lives in a swank Hoboken apartment. He is a shoe-in, since he has no democratic challengers today. And for the Republican side, Bret Schundler is the former mayor of Jersey City.
Democrats might be hoping Schundler pulls thruogh in the primary [he’s a very close second in the polls] because they would like to repeat the Schundler-McGreevey matchup of 2001, where McGreevey trounced Schundler 63-37. Republicans would of course like Corzine to pull a McGreevey and shake a male lover outof the closet.
In either case, Sixth Borough residents should head to the polls before 8pm tonight to make their selection.