Condo Proposal Energizes Activists
By admin on Thursday, January 19th, 2006 at 6:30 am
Taking a look over on JCList this morning, we came across an urgent required for the height, density, and covered parking.
Without having seen renderings of the proposal, we have to wonder just how awful this proposal will be. Indeed, a seven story building in an area of primarily two and three story brownstones may seem out of place. But then again, as the popularity of the downtown increases, demand for housing in the area will increase. This of course means either rents will rise or new housing stock is needed. Since the proposal also provides one parking spot for each unit, parking shortages are less likely to occur than if the lots were filled at the current zoing levels but without off street parking. In essence, even though there are more units, because off street parking is provided, less street parking will be used then if the lots were used as zoned without offstreet parking.
Whether you are for or against the proposal, the zoning board meeting is Tonight, Thursday, January 19 2006, 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 2nd floor, City
Hall, 280 Grove Street, Jersey City, New Jersey.