Giant Plastic Comb Gets Foundation At WTC; PATH Riders Apathetic

By on Wednesday, September 7th, 2005 at 4:36 am

The ground was broken yesterday for the new World Trade Center PATH station. The station has gone under several revisions since it was first announced, least important of all is the design has gone from a dramatic steal and glass sculpture to a much less aesthetic pile of steal.

Also further demonstrating animosity between the Port Authority and the MTA, the R and W line that connects with the World Trade Center at Courtland street is out of commission for months, at all times. Further, the promised connections between the downtown subway stops on the 4, 5, 1, E and the rest of the mess around the WTC has not been finalized, meaning the MTA could still decide to ignore the obvious need of connecting these stations. Bye, bye transit hub.



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