Drivers to Be Stopped Tonight Starting at 9pm

By on Friday, August 26th, 2005 at 5:22 am

In an attempt to thwart drunk driving, police will have a checkpoint set up on Grand Street at Jersey Avenue between 9pm and 3am. While we think its great that police will be working hard to keep drunks from driving around the city– after all, drunks actually are dangerous– most of the time these checkpoints, particularly those starting as early as 9pm, are more often used to write tickets to drivers with a bad taillight or not having all those pesky pieces of paper on hand. So if you are planning on driving down Jersey Avenue near Grand Street, we’d recemmend double checking that you have your insurance card, license, and registeration, or you’ll be contributing to the JCPD coffee and donut fund. Thankfully, in New Jersey, police check points must be announced publicly prior to the event.



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