Tuesday, March 31, 2009
About New York's Sixth
New York's Sixth is a blog for the forgotten, de facto borough across the river featuring original content, commentary, and information relevant to living in Downtown Jersey City / Hoboken.
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All original content copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 to Ian MacAllen, unless otherwise attributed. For more information, contact ianmac47@hotmail.com
Are you serious? This website is becoming a bit of joke. Posting graffiti and speculating mass agreement. Come on
Perhaps you are right. Maybe you should stop reading.
i actually think this is the most we're going to see of the new path cars for some time anyways.
Unfortunately, I haven't even gotten a ride on the new PATH trains. However, when I do, this is the first place I'll come to whine about it.
My biggest concern is with the design decision to not have any center poles. The reasoning, as explained by a path rep at vvp assoc. meeting, was that it would encourage people move to the center of the car, but in fact everyone in the room thought it would encourage people to huddle around the posts closest to the door.
ian: i would take the first comment as a compliment rather than being dismissive. obviously you've developed a bit of a following and people respect your work enough to come here to look for some decent information that can't be found in traditional media outlets.
that is all.
I think this particular instance of graffiti offers quite a bit of commentary. The pen used to mark up this ad for the new PATH cars was not marking up other advertisements, just the PATH ad.
The word junk could be referring to the new cars and all the new "features" like security cameras. Or the junk could be referring to the fact that the Port Authority is bothering to advertise their new cars. Or Junk could refer to the fact that the new cars have been delayed, in part, because of minor design flaws.
Is this the sort of thing that is breaking news? No. Is it the sort of public dissent that might be worth thinking about for a few minutes? Maybe.
Perhaps the graffiti on the poster is an homage to the iconic graffiti-wrapped subway trains of the 70's and 80's
Ian, firstly I would like to mention that I appreciate your dedication to this blog and know how hard it is to keep up with it. Keep up the good work!
As far as the new PATH cars, I think they're definitely a welcomed upgrade to the older fleet. I rode on the new cars this morning (Newark to WTC line) my thoughts were mostly positive. The ride was smooth with a bit of a bounce, the automated voice reminded me of the ones featured on the NYC MTA lines and there seemed to be more room. The only thing that wasn't switched on were the interactive news screens, which I'm sure will be turned on once the whole fleet of new cars are deployed.
I don't understand why people would have anything bad to say about the new fleet. The average commute is only 30 mins long from end to end and anything new is definitely better than what's in place now. Granted there aren't plush leather seats and a dining car, but then again we are not crossing the English Channel. I swear people complain just for the sake of complaining.
I figure that "junk" refers to the fact that the roll out of these new cars has been delayed for years. It's a very frustrating delay.
Also, I think that the PA literally ran out of cars because the ones they have are so old and decrepit. As a result they run 7 car trains on the NWK-WTC line, when they could be using 8 car trains. I think that the new cars were ordered in enough quantity to permit 8 car sets, but of course not until they actually show up and are being used. A 14% capacity addition on that line would make it suck much less.
The PATH is a lousy commuting experience, sorry to whine, but I must. It shouldn't take a twisty, slow 30 minutes to get from Grove Street to 32nd and 6th, which by the way, is in the friggin garment district where no one works or hangs out anyway.
I was really turned off by my first experience of the new cars because the lucky riders who get the very front couple of seats can no longer see out onto the tracks. Looking for the closed stations at 19th and 28th was always my favorite part of riding the PATH.
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