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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Pedicabs New Hot Thing

Just as New York City is getting ready to regulate the foot powered tourist traps, the Hoboken City Council is getting ready to consider whether pedicab operators need anything other than a business license.

The Journal reports that existing taxi regulations don't cover pedicabs, meaning operators won't need a $250,000 medallion.

Obviously the gas powered cab drivers are none too pleased the prospect of splitting fares with foot driven brethren. Environmentalists should be pleased though, as the only fumes coming from pedicabs will be the rank odor of sweat any bicyclist produces on a hot day.



Blogger Kate said...

Pedicabs are quite different from taxi cabs. I can't even imagine why the taxi could see us as a threat here in NYC.

Does anyone ever think of the people that actually use pedicabs to get around. There's a reason they choose the pedicab -- perhaps because they wish to travel at a more steady cruising/human speed. Not everyone is looking to move from point A to B against all odds to be there as quickly as possible.

I don't give any credit to the critics that think we're any competition for existing industries. Too often, I am turned away and dismissed by people who would rather take a yellow cab. I don't complain. That's what they have be trained to do, living in a city that prefers highways to streets running right through North to South.

Fear not Hoboken, the pedicab can be useful to you. There is no need to set a no growth policy (cap) for such a positive thing. This business should not need to be modeled after other dissimilar industries -- and you certainly don't need to wait for New York to tell you what to do. Even NYC looks like it's listening at this point. Make the right choice now and see what pedicabs have to offer.

3:51 AM  

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