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Monday, September 19, 2005

NY Times Gives Menedez Reach Around

The ever-on-top-of-the-news New York Times has a fluff piece on Hudson County Congressman Bob "hope to take Jon Corzine's Senate Seat" Menendez. The article is quite generous when talking about Menendez saying things like "after decades of public service" and "New Jersey will be represented by a rising Democratic Party star."

Of course, while the article notes two other congressman are looking seriously at Corzine's senate seat if he were to win Drumthwacket in November, the truth of the matter is all of New Jersey's Democratic Congressional delegation, with the exception of Rush Holt, have made airs of running. All of this of course, is making the assumption that Corzine, a Hoboken resident, wins in November.

Finally, in the infinite wisdom of the New York Times, the writers have glossed over the influence Glenn Cunningham's death has had on Menendez's most recent influx of power, which, without, would have left the Congressman a much weaker political force to go after a statewide office.



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