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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Closed Streets Not Needed, Says Judge

111 First Street has had on going legal troubles between the city and its owners and a bunch of artists the owners kicked out. Recently, the owners closed the streets to prevent injuries if the building were to collapse, and now a judge has ruled that the road closures are not necessary and the owners should fix the foundation if they fear the building will fall. We say, Enough is Enough.

Sure, its a terrible shame that a number of artists were removed from their workspaces and homes. Certainly, it would be great if the building had been refurbished just as the city wanted and turned into the crown jewel of the arts district. But let's be honest here: an decrepit empty building is not doing city residents any good. The developer has demonstrated that he can prolong the redevelopment process even longer. City officials need to conceed that despite their best efforts, and best intentions, the city would be better off with a new housing and retail project than having an empty building blighting the heart of the arts district. As it is now, we forsee 111 First street making headlines for next decade.


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New York's Sixth is a blog for the forgotten, de facto borough across the river featuring original content, commentary, and information relevant to living in Downtown Jersey City / Hoboken.


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