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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Port Authority To Block Signals, MTA Says Its Okay

Manhattan bound tunnels controlled by the Port Authority have had cellular reception turned off in an effort to keep bombs from being detonated. Meanwhile, the MTA which controls tunnels within Manhattan has restored cellular signals.

Who's right?

With law enforcement begging the public to be more vigilant and report suspicious activity, it doesn't seem to make much sense to turn cellular signals off. By the time commuters exit the tunnels, many will have forgotten they saw anything out of place or even worse, an event may occur before anyone can report activity to authorities. Besides that, there is more than one way to skin a cat. Anyone who grew up watching MacGyver [coincidentally, now on DVD], would know that a bomb can be built and detonated using duct tape and materials available at the grocery store. Any determined terrorist is not going to be deterred because their dial-a-bomb plot has been foiled.


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