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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Breaking News: At least One Man in Handcuffs at the Corner of Wayne and Jersey Ave

Our first breaking news story ever! This is first, and likely, at least for some time, a last.

At least one man was in handcuffs this evening at the corner of Wayne street and Jersey Avenue. At least a dozen police vehicles crowded around the intersection and crime scene tape blocked part of Wayne street. Traffic wss in chaos as additional police units arrived. One eyewitness reported a defibulator being pulled onto the scene as ambulances joined the snarled mess of first responders. Dozens of neighborhood residents lined the streets. If we spoke spanish, we may know more.

Just remember, you saw it first on; we'll be waiting for our pulitzer.

UPDATE 6/23/05: According to a post on JClist, a suspect stabbed his partner in a incident of domestic violence. Still no coverage from the main stream media.

UPDATE 6/24/05: The Journal reports a woman was slashed with a steak knife by her boyfriend.


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New York's Sixth is a blog for the forgotten, de facto borough across the river featuring original content, commentary, and information relevant to living in Downtown Jersey City / Hoboken.


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